Gift of Grace Lutheran Church is a Biblical, Historical, and Sacramental Church. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is at the center of who we are.

What does this mean?


Latest Sermon

Sunday, October 6th 2024

In our increasingly polarized society, we are presented with a false dichotomy. The seeming two choices are, either you are a socialist or you are an individualist. And if you loathe communism and socialism, as do I, you might falsely believe your only other option is individualism. But the Biblical option values the individual, each and every one of them, with the understanding that the individual has been designed to live in community. Being created in the image of God, in part, means that we are social beings that can only flourish living in fellowship with others…

Grace Notes

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Grace Notes 2024-10-09
Wednesday, October 9th 2024

The Every One His Witness Wednesday Class is underway and going well. Last Wednesday the group interacted with a verse that might not at first glance seem applicable to being Christ’s witnesses. The verse is Luke 6:45. “The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” Our attention was drawn to the end of the sentence: For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

Grace Notes 2024-10-02
Wednesday, October 2nd 2024

The desire to share the Christian Faith with others, where does this come from? Can it come from any other source than the awareness of God’s mercy and compassion for one’s own life?

Grace Notes 2024-09-18
Wednesday, September 18th 2024

On a good day I realize and will admit that I am getting older. Sometimes my body helps me to be reminded. And I am realizing that there are benefits to growing older. The inevitability of going the way of all the earth sets in. Oddly, that can make the present moment more precious. Likewise, it can help set the mind and heart on the things that really matter.

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Daily Devotions

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Reading Guide

A reading guide through the Scriptures for the current month.