Grace Notes 2024-04-17

Wednesday, April 17th 2024

What is the mission of the Church? The Church, which is the Body of Christ, is involved in the mission of Christ the Head. Christ’s mission is to save and redeem a lost world.

Matthew 28:19 is commonly cited as a summary verse for the Church’s mission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” At the same time there are many passages of Scripture that state the mission in different words. I will share with you two. The first is Luke 24:47, “that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations.” And the second is Acts 1:8, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses … to the end of the earth.”

Compiling and condensing the full counsel of Scripture in regard to this mission, we might say that the Church is to proclaim and teach the Gospel, care for and nurture believers, and demonstrate the love of God in acts of charity and mercy to our neighbors.

The Church at large is to go to all the world. The Church’s individual congregations are plantedto serve in a particular geographic location. Accordingly, much of the service is parochial and it is why we speak of a congregation’s parish.

Each congregation shares in the overall mission of Christ. It preaches and teaches and administers the Sacraments in similar fashion. What is unique to each congregation is the community they are called to serve, and the way the community’s physical needs are addressed. The particular character of the congregation also matters. That character involves the gifts, talents, resources, and commitment of the members.

I would like to ask you to make the mission of our congregation a matter of intentional prayer on your part. Pray that we come to terms with and are committed to the mission of Christ He calls us to take part in. And pray that we be given resolve to use what we have been given for this mission. Thank you!


Since You Asked…

What good purpose is there in signing oneself (making the sign of the cross with the hand over one’s head and breast)? 

This gesture’s main purpose is to remind us of our baptism where the sign of the cross was first made on our foreheads. The cross is a powerful symbol which reminds us of the depths of God’s love for us – He loved us so much that He sent His Son to die for us. In Holy Baptism we have been joined to Christ. Every time we sign ourselves we declare that we belong to Christ and that we desire to live for Him. We give visible expression that we serve the One, True God who has revealed Himself to us in three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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